The cat that grew so much in two months since her first GPV Camp
People say it’s almost impossible to grow as a person in a short, limited period of time. I beg to differ because even though I’ve only been at Global Peace Foundation Malaysia for four months, it has been the best, most impactful experience ever. Being able to work in a growing organisation has been a great learning opportunity for me. Not only do I get the chance to put the lessons I’ve learned in college in relations to communications to practice, but I also get the chance to learn new skills and hone the ones that I already have.
For instance, I had zero experience with website development and an aversion to meeting new people due to my introverted nature. However, with the right encouragement, I helped to build the organisation’s new website up from scratch as well as handled several outreach and events on my own.
Yin Yee doing outreach at the UNITEN: Youth on Peace event
But at GPF(M), it’s not just about how much you can learn in terms of your skills but also the takeaways you get. The people here are always so warm and open and it’s honestly amazing to see how the members of staff fully embody the values that Global Peace believes in because they have a great leader that practices what is preached as well.
I am thankful to have had this experience and to have gotten a wonderful supervisor, Brandon, who’s not just someone great to learn from because of all his experience but also someone who made me excited to go to work every morning and treated me like a little sister.