“What is most important now is how, where, and when the human family will at last come together to live in peace.” Dr Hyun Jin Preston Moon, Chairman, Global Peace Foundation
For more information about GPC 2013, kindly visit http://2013.globalpeaceconvention.org
We are excited to invite you to the GLOBAL PEACE CONVENTION (GPC) 2013, the annual convening of the Global Peace Foundation, which will take place from December 5–8 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – home to many faiths which form part of the rich tapestry of this vibrant Southeast Asian nation. This year’s theme, “Unity in Diversity: Building Social Cohesion for Sustainable Peace through Universal Aspirations, Principles and Values,” will engage world leaders from government, academia, business, the nonprofit sector and civil society in a unique, collaborative exchange. This world-level convening will advance innovative approaches to building sustainable peace, social cohesion and compassionate development.
The GPC will feature plenary and concurrent sessions, field trips, hands-on workshops, and prominent keynote speakers, with participants from some 40 nations around the world. The convention is designed to highlight cutting-edge models and best practices from Asia, Africa, the Americas, Oceania and Europe. The GPC will continue its tradition of plenaries and provocative sessions featuring experts and policy makers who will address twenty-first century global peace building and development priorities. It will also offer opportunities for participants to provide input to shape future GPCs.
GPC 2013 will host more than 500 diverse innovators representing the non-profit sector, faith communities, government agencies, schools and universities, researchers, service-learning program volunteers, businesses and corporations, and the arts. Sessions will focus on interfaith partnerships, women in leadership, family and community development, youth engagement and service, education, media, and business and trade.
Much work and collaboration goes into planning an international convention of this scope. Together our team is working to ensure that this premiere event will help all of us working in the field to find new, innovative, and more intentional ways to address the challenges we face to build a more peaceful and equitable world.
We look forward to welcome your good self at GPC 2013. Start planning your trip to Kuala Lumpur. See you in December!
Peace, Love & Unity,
Tan Sri Datin Paduka Seri Hajah Zaleha Ismail
Chairman, GPF Malaysia
Convention Co-Chair
Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Joseph Kurup
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department
Convention Co-Chair