How the Orang Asli in Pahang weathered the MCO

WHILE Covid-19 shut down most of the economy, especially during the movement-control order, Orang Asli tribes in villages close to Maudzam Shah in Pahang managed to weather the impact by grabbing job opportunities in jungles and plantations. The Malaysian Insight visited four Orang Asli kampung in the Muadzam Shah district and found the villagers in…

Urgent food relief for Orang Asli communities

The Movement Control Order (MCO), albeit a necessary measure to curb the spread of COVID-19, is affecting the livelihoods of Malaysians across the socio-economic playing field. With rising unemployment and income disruption, some of our most marginalized orang asli communities (OA) are receiving the greatest blow. With many of them relying on ad-hoc work to…

Rural Women Day Oct 15: Norisah and Ti’s Livelihood

International Day of Rural Women is observed on October 15th every year, a day that brings to the forefront rural women’s important yet uncelebrated role in development – from being caregivers in families, guardians of indigenous knowledge, and workers in agriculture. “Structural barriers and discriminatory social norms continue to constrain women’s decision-making power and political…